Plastic Food

Plastic Food

Plastic food displays are important marketing tools for many Japanese restaurants.  They will place enticing looking re-creations of their dishes in the window, hoping to lure in customers.  This photograph is of the display case of a store in Tokyo that specializes in selling plastic food to restaurants.  It is located on a street that features stores in the restaurant supply business.  Many sections of Tokyo are known for their specialized stores, such as areas devoted to selling almost exclusively shoes, musical instruments, restaurant supplies, books, electronics, and many other goods.  Students can discuss the positives and negatives of this type of organization of stores, both from the consumer and business person's point of view.  With this specific picture, students can also see many cases in which dishes originally created in the West or China have been imported to Japan many years ago and re-made for Japanese tastes, a topic also useful for discussion.


Theme,Culture; Type,Image; Type,Photography; Topic,Popular Culture; Theme,Postwar Japan;