Genkan Series Two: Shoes

Genkan Series Two: Shoes

This is an image of the outer part of a Japnese family's genkan (entryway) where shoes worn outside the house rest on a stone block. The slightly raised platform above it leads to the interior of the house. It  is lined with tatami, a traditional woven grass mat floor. It is customary to place shoes facing outward to assist in quickly stepping back into them to leave the house. A genkan full of shoes usually indicates that family members are home.

To learn more about Japanese homes, go to Lesson Plans: Japanese Architecture, High School level, Elementary School level

Photo c. Aki Ishida, Aki Ishida Architect PLLC.


Theme,Culture; Type,Image; Type,Photography; Topic,Popular Culture;
genkan, shoes, home, house, japanese homes, interior,daily life