Minami Sanriku-cho July 2011

Minami Sanriku-cho July 2011

This photograph, taken in July, 2011, is of the valley in Minami-Sanrikucho, Miyagi, and area hit very hard by the tsunami of March 11, 2011. Ask students to observe the photo carefully and discuss the impressions of the progress made (or not made) four months after the tsunami. Have them compare it to one of the many pictures of this town available online taken shortly after the tsunami. As can be seen, much of the refuse created by the tsunami had been cleaned in comparison to earlier, but rebuilding in this particular area had not begun. Have student think about why it might take time to rebuild, and what issues need to be considered in rebuilding.

For one perspective on the rebuilding process, students can read this New York Times Article.

Additional Photos:
Minami Sanriku-cho Saltwater Damage
Rubble in Minami Sanriku-cho
View of Minami Sanriku-cho