Tanabata Craft Activities

Tanabata Craft Activities

Editor's note: Celebrate Tanabata through storytelling and craft activities at Japan Society on July 11th, 2010.

About Tanabata:

Tanabata, or the Star Festival, is held on the evening of July 7. The festival traces its origins to a legend that the Cowherd Star (Altair) and Weaver Star (Vega), lovers separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet just once a year--on the seventh day of the seventh month. People write wishes on narrow strips of colored paper and hang them, along with other paper ornaments, on bamboo branches praying their wishes will come true. The Tanabata festival is thought to have started in China. It was transmitted to Japan during the feudal period and combined with traditional local customs to become an official event at the Imperial court. Commoners soon began observing this festival, with different localities developing distinctive ways of celebrating.

Celebrate Tanabata at home!


Links to Easy Tanabata Craft Activities for Kids:

Origami stars:


 Star Festival Wishing Papers:




Topic,Art; Type,Article; Theme,Culture; Type,Links;
Tanabata star festival kids families crafts,art, daily life, festival