Whale Curry Poster
Whale hunting has gone on for centuries in Japan, but widespread consumption of whale meat only began in the wake of the Post-War's food shortages. MacArthur (Commander of US Army Forces in the Far East, oversaw Japan's Occupation following the war) actively encouraged whaling as a way of feeding war-ravaged Japan, culminating in the appearance of whale meat in school cafeterias. Economic recovery accompanied a decrease in appetite for whale, but the meat is readily available today in many places. Japan is a member of the International Whaling Commission and controversially continues whaling operations under the aegis of scientific research. Whalers often defend the practice as in keeping with tradition and that other nations are trying to impose their values on Japan; opponents frequently cite whaling as inhumane and as jeopardizing the continued existence of whale populations. This poster advertises a nearby restaurant's whale curry. Canned whale meat is another available product.