Interview with a Fukushima Resident

Interview with a Fukushima Resident


Interview with a Fukushima resident 4 months after the 3/11 Great East Japan Earthquake

2011年3月11日に日本の東北を襲った東日本大震災4ヶ月後に福島の住民に実態をせまる。このインタビューでは個人の生活や仕事がどう変わったか、原発に対する考えなどの質問を福島県の住民に投げかける。東北大震災に関するキーワードや表現がスクリーン上で紹介され、福島第一原発事故について、もしくは原発の是非ついてのディスカッションなどに活用できるビデオ。(撮影協力:福島県 幕田順子氏 2011年7月撮影)

This video features an interview with a resident of Fukushima, one of the areas in the Tohoku region affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2012. The interviewee shares her experience and view on how her personal life and work life have been affected by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. Key words and phrases associated with the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster are shown on the video screen during the interview.   The video clip is suitable when discussing topics such as the pros and cons of nuclear power plants and whether they should still be used as a major source of energy. (In cooperation with Ms. Junko Makuta, Fukushima prefecture, Japan. July 2011).

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Theme,Environment; Type,Video;
tsunami, earthquake, Japanese