Minami Sanriku-cho Saltwater Damage

Minami Sanriku-cho Saltwater Damage

This photo is taken at the edge of one of the valleys in Minami-Sanrikucho, Miyagi Prefecture,  in July, 2011.  The tsunami of March 11, 2011 had created great destricution in this particular area.

Ask student to notice the pine trees in the background.  Speculate as to why the tree leaves have all turned brown until about halfway up the trees.  The salt water of the tsunami had reached that level, killing the leaves, and possibly permanently damaging the trees.  These trees are actually about halfway up a mountain, and almost 100 feet above see level.

Additional Photos:
Minami Sanriku-cho July 2011
Rubble in Minami Sanriku-cho
View of Minami Sanriku-cho