Framing Twentieth-Century Japan: A Top-Ten List
EssayA leading professor of modern Japanese history offers his provocative thoughts about the ten most important themes for American students to learn about 20th-century Japan.
Tokyo Bombing Damage
ResourcePicture of Tokyo illustrating the physical damage created by intensive bombing, especially in March 1945.
Japanese classroom in 1920
ResourceThis 1920 photograph captures students using an abacus to make calculations.
Minamata Disease Protest
ResourceProtesters in 1992 marching to support court proceedings against the Chisso Corporation, who caused mercury poisoning in Minamata, Kyushu through dumping industrial waste in the 1950s.
Imperial Hotel
War Crime Tribunal
Tokyo University Protests
ResourceRadical students at Tokyo University battle the police in January, 1969.
ResourcePhotograph from the 1920s of women bringing peitions to the Imperial diet demanding the right to vote.
Sony Factory
ResourceAssembly line producing Sony Trinitron televisions in 1970.
ResourceEmblematic picture of a shinkansen ("bullet train") passing in front of a Buddhist temple in 1966.
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